Wednesday, July 30, 2014

6x8 acrylic, Waukesha Riverwalk 7/25/14

Ok, now I'm caught up on posting my plein air paintings up to this one.

I used the exact same colors, titanium white, cad yellow medium, burnt sienna and cerulean blue that were left over from last week's painting in this painting. However as I'm looking at these last two paintings this one feels warmer, maybe because the yellow and burnt sienna is more prominent while the army lake one has more white.

I like painting water. Cerulean blue mixed with burnt sienna made a real nice dark gray. With the approaching storm the water became more gray as the morning progressed. I like the dark green I made with these colors but I think I need to use a different yellow in partnership with the current yellow to better capture the wide variety of greens found this wet and cool summer.

It's still pretty cool (70s) and very humid (upcoming rain) so despite the steady medium light breeze I was still fighting the slow dry of the golden open acrylics. I haven't added any retarder to slow the dry or keep the paints wet longer. I like using golden open because you never know what the conditions will be like outside. Some of the thicker painted parts of the paintings were still tacky on Sunday.

It's interesting that water from the fountain is translucent. The fountain interrupted the current and it's falling water created a ring around it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

8x8 acrylic, Army Lake, East Troy 7/18/14

burnt sienna, titanium white, cadmium yellow medium, cerulean blue.

Monday, July 28, 2014

7/11/14 9x11 Water Color sketch, Prospect Hills Settlement, New Berlin Historical Park

Still was pressed for time so picked a simple subject and worked in watercolors. Easy clean up and everything fits in a small backpack.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

11x9 Water color sketch of Downtown Greendale Gazebo, Tuesday evening 7/8/14

I'm a little bit behind on posting so am just starting to catch up now.

Only had an hour so this is what I got done.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

8x8 acrylic sketch at Greenfield Park 7/1/14

Used same colors left over on palette from East Troy sketch.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

6x8 acrylic sketch at East Troy Town Center 6/27/14

Burnt Sienna underpainting
Hansa Yellow Opaque
Alizarin Crimson Hue
Ultramarine Blue
Titanium white