Thursday, August 15, 2013

Marinette County acrylics 8/11/13

This is my favorite place to visit.

I painted two pictures, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I used ultramarine blue, titanium white, hansa yellow light and alizarin.

Marinette Co Feeder 5x7
Marinette Co Birches 6x6

Here's a previous picture from 2011
Marinette Co Island 5x7

I need better shade to take these pictures. Having a gloss problem.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Roger's Garden 7/30/13

Al and Cathy were unable to come so we went to Roger's Garden to paint. It was overcast but then decided to rain softly so we moved into the garage to continue painting. It took forever for the paint to dry. Roger got out his blower to dry his watercolor

I used Quin Mag, hansa yel lt, ultramarin blue and white in the first picture. The second picture, I added Pyrrole red because I needed that orangey red shade.

5x7 acrylic

6x6 acrylic

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Minooka Park Pond 8/1/13

Met up with my friend Donna. Lighting was very interesting but very changeable. Sometimes there was wind other times not. I'd like to return and paint on this picture some more. 6x6 acrylic on canvas. Ultra marine blue, Titanium white, hansa yellow light, burnt sienna.