Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hart Park 9x12 pastel 7/28/12

Hart Park is one of my favorite places to paint. I love the stonework, the river, friendly people passing by. I had a good time painting with my friends in the Wisconsin Pastel Artists.
I did paint on Thursday with the Milwaukee Sketch Club but didn't finish as a storm rolled in and we didn't have shelter.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

9x12 pastel Palmyra Beach 120719

I was following John from Eagle as we were driving to Rushing Rivers Trout Farm in Palmyra when John made a left turn off main st onto anemone st. We stopped at a small park with a beach because it looked like it was going to rain hard so we decided it would be good to sit under a park pavilion. It was overcast with a dark sky, windy and quite cool, 70s compared to the almost 100F weather we have been having. I actually felt cold since I'm acclimatized to summer right now. However, it never did rain so after one painting we went to Rushing Rivers to check it out.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Miniwaukan Park 9x12 pastel 7/12/12

Lot of artists out in the Mukwonago area due to the Fame Plein Air Event - Art in the Park.

Near Harley Davidson Museum 6/26/12

Quite fun. Bridge opened twice. boats. kayakers.....

Ran out of time. Didn't finish.

See photos at

Lake Nagawicki 9x12 pastel 6/21/12

Bethesda Church 6/14/12

9x12 pastel