When I was in Paris last week I carried around a 3.5x5.5" sketchbook and watercolor sketchbook along with mechanical pencil, prange watercolors (only 1 brush!), 3 watercolor pencils, white charcoal pencil, small spray bottle and water container. Next time bring another brush for a friend. This kit was light and worked very well although I almost wish the prange watercolor set would hold 2 brushes and was half as long so it would fit in my pocket better. Both sketch books fit in my pocket of my cargo pants.
Almost filled up the sketch book with quick pencil and ink sketches while riding the metro, bus, train and waiting in line or outside shops for my cousin. Only managed 5 watercolor / watercolor pencil sketches. My favorite park was Chaumonte. I enjoyed riding the metro and the Batobus boat. Bercy Village was nice too. My cousin's daughter enjoyed using my prange watercolors and did some beautiful paintings too. My cousin left 2 sketches in my sketchbook.
About this blog I started this blog to record my artistic journey and evolution as an artist.
I like to experiment so my art is a constant work in progress. Currently I do a lot of plein air painting with the Milwaukee Sketch Club and the results of these outdoor painting adventures are recorded here.
In addition I like to record various tips I learn that are useful to an artist, like framing or how to carry wet canvases.
I hope you enjoy my blog and hope that it inspires you to reach towards your own particular dreams/goals in life one day at a time.