The last 3 weeks in class we worked with complementary colors: red/green, orange/blue and yellow/purple. We blended the colors to find out the range of values that 2 colors could create. That would be fun to do with all the colors on my Prange watercolor set.
Went back to the bigger paper. Same model as on 9/27/11 except now she changed her hair color.
About this blog I started this blog to record my artistic journey and evolution as an artist.
I like to experiment so my art is a constant work in progress. Currently I do a lot of plein air painting with the Milwaukee Sketch Club and the results of these outdoor painting adventures are recorded here.
In addition I like to record various tips I learn that are useful to an artist, like framing or how to carry wet canvases.
I hope you enjoy my blog and hope that it inspires you to reach towards your own particular dreams/goals in life one day at a time.