Thursday, March 31, 2011

Scuppernong Marsh near Eagle, 12x8 Oil Pastel

Beautiful day. Some bugs but none were the biting kind. I really like this Strathmore Canvas Paper. It takes the oil pastel real nice.

Crocheted Afgan

Finally finished. Yeah!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Blarney Castel 9x12 Oil Pastel Plein Aire Sketch

Overcast and very pleasant temperature. Close to 50 F. I said "Hi" to everybody that walked by. The owner of the Blarney castle took down the Xmas wreath and put it inside the castle as she was leaving to go to an exercise class. My painting buddies did some very nice watercolors.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hidden Lakes Oil Pastel 9x12 plein air

The sun came out this afternoon. Sat on my stool in the sun next to my car which blocked the wind and was quite comfortable. Wore a light pair of gloves and when I needed to blend I put on my pair where I cut off the fingertips. Not warm enough to work without gloves yet.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

11 x 14 pastel Oscar Dog

Today I just finished matting Oscar Dog for Horn Feeds Mill. I started out with conte crayon, then used hard pastels and did fine details with pastel pencils. On mis-teintes paper.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Horn Feeds Mill Plein Air

3.5 x 2.5 pen on bristol

8x8 oil pastel with colored pencil on bristol, still struggling with these plein air oil pastels of buildings. I think the color is right. Very humid, paper started to curl. Finally caught up with these postings.

3.5 x 2.5 pen on bristol Desk View

Inspired by . Looking for portable art opportunities due to my irregular schedule with last minute disruptions that have to be taken care of right away and nomadic lifestyle these last couple of days. Finally catching up on these posts.

Falcon View Oil pastel 8x12 plein air

Heaven City Oil Pastel 8x9 plein aire painting

Quite warm out today sat on a towel placed on a plastic bag. One of my pants legs dragged on the ground & got soaked. Struggled a bit with this drawing. My friends are a lot quicker than me.

Oil Pastel Vernon Marsh off Frog Alley about 8x12

My sister likes the colors because it's not gray like winter. I think you just have to observe the colors. They are a bit muted in winter but they are still there.