Sunday, December 27, 2009

AC Art Association Winter - Spring 2010 Schedule

  • Jan 11: Richard Patt - Acrylic Landscape in One Hour
  • Jan 25: Pat King - Critique
  • Feb 1: Bill Koelpin, Jr. Acrylic Demo
  • Feb 15: Bill Stanke, Critique
  • Mar 1: Sally DuBack, Pastel Portrait
  • Mar 15: Roger Gifford, Critique
  • April 5: Ken Bronikowski, Oil Demo
  • April 19: Michael Foster, Critique
  • April 22: Spring Show at Harbor Village
  • May 3: Social
  • May 13: End of Spring Show

Friday, December 18, 2009

Oil Pastel, Frame Park Waukesha

Quite pleasant Thursday, 30 F & overcast. Days are getting very short. Light goes quick. Would like to go back and paint here again. Really happy with this painting. The first thing that caught my eye was the red bush, then the bridge. I like the crooked bush on the left too.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Conte sketches of live models

Quite chilly in doors for this session.

Oil Pastel Sketch of Vernon Barn

A bit cold today (3 degrees F) and the shadow/light pattern changed very quickly.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Oil Pastel Sketch overlooking Vernon Marsh in Vernon

It was snowing lightly when we met to paint so each stayed in our cars and painted. By the time we left it was snowing heavy enough that the far hills were obscured. It is amazing how brown & green everything is now.